Friday, May 30, 2008



Engine oil has the following functions;

  • Reduces Wear and friction in the pistons, bearing and other moving part.
  • Cleans inside of the engine.
  • Prevents the corrotion of metal part and cushions moving parts, as well as absorbing noxious substances from engine combustion.
  • Cooling the engine . Absorbs heat from some engine components where heat spot occurs.
  • Seal the high-temperature, high-pressure gas in the combustion chambers,as well as transferring heat from high temperature areas to the oil pan,where it is dissipated into the air.

Necessary of Maintenance /What happent if not done

Oil will lose its effectiveness by carbon or metal particles, and viscosity will decrease with use by oxidation.

If deterioted oil is continuosly used ,followings may happen;

  • Engine friction portions wear out quickly
  • Engine will be damage by corrotion
  • Engine will overheat
  • Fuel economy become worse
  • Engine power will be decreased
  • Engine seizure happens inthe worst case

Maintenance Interval

Replace every 10,000km /6 months , whichever comes first.

  • Driving under severe condition like dusty condition, repeated short distance driving, towing a trailer/caravan or extensive idling, it should be replaced more frequently

For petrol engine with turbocharger and most of diesel engines, replaceevery 5,000km/3 months, whichever comes first.

Is engine oil different between petrol engine and diesel engine ?

There are exclusive type and universal type.

  • Engine oil is different depending on the type of engine. for example, if oil specification is SJ or SH which starts from S ( Sparrk ignition engine ) it is for petrol engine only.
  • If oil specification is CD or CC , it is only for diesel engine. However , there is universal oil whose specification is SE - CC for example.

What is the difference betwen mineral base oil and synthetic base oil ?

Targeted usage and cost

  • There are two types of engine oil depending on the material contained, mineral type and synthetic type. Synthetic type is usually used for racing asit has good heat resistance ,however , it is very expensive. for normal use, itis recommended to use mineral type oil because of its cost performance.Never extend replacement interval incase syntetic oil is used, as its improved cleaning performance means the oil becomes dirty quickly.

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Necessity of Maintenance /What happens if not done

  • The radiator hoses and heater hoses where engine coolant flows are made of rubber. The gradually become hard and finally ,crack which makes coolant leak out.
  • If the coolant level drops , the engine may overheat , so it necessary to check the cooling and heater system hoses periodically.

Maintenance Interval

  • Inspect and correct or replace as necessary every 20,000km /12 months whichever comes first.

Maintenance JOB

  1. Check rubber hoses for improper attachment for leaks, crack, damage, loose conection, chafing and deterioration.
  2. Check radiator cap relief pressure with cap tester.
  3. Check cooling system for leaks by applaying pressure with cap tester.
  4. Check all hose clamp for proper instalation


Function /Mechanism

Engine coolant is necessary for cooling the engine and an ethylene glycol anti-freeze is required to be added in soft water with the proper mixture because the engine coolant has the following functions;

  • Anti - freeze
  • Anti - corrotion
  • Raise coolant boiling point

Necessity of maintenance /what happens ifnot done

Engine coolant deteriorates due to heat and chemical changes over time.

The color will change from bright color to dark color with use.

If deteriorated engine coolant is continuosly used

  • Engine will overheat
  • Coolant will freeze when it is cold and cause trouble to radiator and engine
  • Coolant will leak from radiator because of perforation caused by corrotion.

Maintenance Interval and job

  • Replace every 40,000km /24 months, whichever comes first.
  • Change as instructed in Dealer.

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Battery Mobil

Battery merupakan komponen dalam kendaraan yang sangat penting tetutama untuk kendaraan yang memakai bahan bakar minyak jenis " BENSIN " . Battery menjadi komponen yang sangat penting dikarenakan untuk menghidupkan mobil , motor penggerak start membutuhkan suplai arus dari battery . Lebih penting lagi apabila kendaraan mobil kita mengunakan Trasmisi Otomatis dikarenakan mobil tidak dapat dihidupkan dengan cara lain kecuali dengan Elektrik Stater. Disinilah peran utama Battery pada mobil.

Merawat battery pada kendaraan pada dasarnya cukup mudah yaitu dengan cara :

  1. Menjaga Level air accu pada garis dibawah UPPER dan diatas garis LOWER
  2. Tambahkan bila berada pada level dibawah LOWER
  3. Periksa berat jenis air accu bila diperlukan ( lakukan di bengkel langgana anda )
  4. Jaga kebersihan terminal battery .


Setelah kita menerima battery berikut dengan air accu ( H2SO4 ) maka hal pertama adalah memeriksa apakah battery masih tersegel dengan baik . Bila OK maka kita dapat lanjutkan proses pergantian battery pada kendaraan . Buka penutup sel battery yang terbuat dari lapisan alumunium lalu isikan air accu hingga mencapai batas ' UPPER ' apabila level turun tambahkan hingga mencapai level UPPER. Setelah selesai seluruhnya tutup setiap sel tersebut dengan tutup yang telah disediakan . Berhati -hatilah ketika mengisi cairan air accu tersebut bila terkena kulit basuh bagian tersebut dengan menggunakan air bersih.


  1. Tidak boleh test battery saat sedang charge
  2. Hati -hati jangan menghubungkan beban secara langsungkarena dapat menimbulkan percikan api ,yang dapat menyebabkan battery meledak
  3. Jangan sampai menyumbat lubang vent plug
  4. Jaga battery dari percikan api

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Sunday, May 25, 2008


Menjaga mobil adalah suatu keharusan yang wajib dilakukan oleh setiap pemilik kendaraan , karena dengan terpeliharanya kendaraan maka akan terwujud suatu kenyamanan dan keselamatan dalam berkendara . Menjaga kendaraan disini adalah bukan hanya melindungi kendaraan dari ancaman pihak luar ( pencuri ) tetapi lebih kepada bagaimana kendaraan kita dapat bekerja lebih optimal. Bukankah mobil sudah dilakukan perawatan berkala sesuai anjuran Dealer Resmi ?

Tepat sekali pernyataan diatas , namun anda sebagai owner wajib mengetahui bagian- bagian dari komponen kendaraan anda. Setidaknya komponen yang sangat sederhana dalam hal perawatan karena dealer anda melakukan perawatan hanya dalam periode tertentu . Sedangkan mobil anda bergerak setiap saat yang mana pasti akan terjadi perubahan . Perubahan inilah yang wajib diketahui oleh anda sebagai user ataupun owner dari kendaraan tersebut.

Komponen manakah yang wajib diketahui oleh anda agar mobil anda dapat bekerja optimal?

  1. Battery /Aki
  2. Level Oli
  3. Air Radiator
  4. Tekanan Ban
  5. Instrumen Panel

Contoh daftar diatas adalah komponen yang harus selalu diperhatikan agar performa kendaraan menjadi optimal yang mana hal-hal diatas tidaklah memerlukan keahlian khusus. Karena tidak sedikit dari anda yang tidak memperdulikan hal ringan diatas tetapi sering kali diabaikan yang berakibat sangat fatal bagi mobil anda.

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